Andrew Dix

Founder & CEO


Crowdfund Insider

Andrew Dix is CEO and founder the Crowded Media Group, publisher of Crowdfund Insider, the leading news and information site covering disruptive finance including online capital formation, online lending, blockchain and other forms of Fintech. He is also the founder of DisclosureQuest, a searchable database of securities filings including Reg D, Reg A+ & Reg CF. Andrew is a vocal proponent for access to capital for small and emerging companies and the need for an innovation-driven economy. He is a member of the Cambridge Alternative Finance Leadership Advisory Board, part of the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) at the University of Cambridge Judge School of Business. Crowded Media Group has partnered with CCAF as the media partner on their Alternative Finance Benchmarking Reports. A recognized authority in the Fintech world, Andrew is a participant in the bipartisan Securities Regulation Working Group organized by the Heritage Foundation. In 2016, Andrew received the New Capital Markets Leadership Award For leadership in the development of new capital markets under the JOBS Act. He is a founding special advisor to the Association of Online Investment Platforms.


12:10 PM - 12:40 PM

Thursday June 20, 2024

New Era of Opportunity: Unlocking Hidden Potential for Reg A Crowdfunding

  • Learn about untapped opportunities
  • Develop a framework for evaluating ideal Reg A projects
  • Hear about trends shaping the future of the Reg A crowdfunding industry
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